Monday, July 23, 2018

And so we go............

I sit here on this day pondering the week before us.  Just weeks ago, I can honestly say I was a little overwhelmed, was not at all excited about this venture, and I second guessed a decision I made clear back in January.  I thought, why on earth are you signing up to enter a level of competition that you all may or may not be prepared for.....................I could say, "Tina made me do it!!! But I come to the realization that it's part of our journey.

To think this journey started LESS than a year ago, and it all began over a pair of BOOTS!!!!  Actually, while that's the truth, there's more behind the story..........a little blonde haired girl with big blue eyes and a barrel horse dream that she vocalized at the age of 4..........and 9 years later, by some form of fate, Mak met her very best friend, Ashlyn (with matching boots)  Every weekend last fall, these girls were together "riding".  Hours and hours of being in a saddle, laughing, having fun, being girls..........and therefore, Tina and I referred to them as our weekend "kids" and laughed about who had custody "this weekend".  Our 4H days had begun and this year, we weren't going to miss that bus nor the fun that came with it.

In November 2017, Mak went to her first barrel race.................due to a bad accident in our family the night before, I missed her debut. I can tell you that her first run was 24+ seconds and not having a clue if this was a good time or not, I was one proud momma! Tina held the momma card for me that day and that girl has never left me behind. While my daughter found her BFF, I too, have found a dear friend and another momma figure for Mak.

Winter hit, and I can tell you about times we sat in an arena watch them ride, I can tell you about times they warmed up in pouring rain and we could watch them ride.  I can tell you about the heartache of "knocking" and receiving a "no time" after hours of prep work , hours of watching videos, learning to "sit", hearing others cheer your kid on while you sit in fear for 18 or more seconds.  I can tell you about pride, dedication, compassion and love.   And I can tell you about the willingness of others who go above and my girl can ride!

Words I will never forget............"once you join in this journey, you will find out what being part of a horse family is all about......dedicated people".   I can't tell you enough about the experiences, people we have met, strangers that have become friends, people you watch at each show and cheer them on. I have seen a kindness unlike I've never witnessed.  When a friends horse got hurt recently, someone out there offered their horse so the ride could go on, profound moments.   And I can't say thank you enough to that one special lady that saw potential in my daughter and took her under her wing, offered her an opportunity that otherwise she wouldn't have had and is responsible for helping make a little girls dream come true.  We are a DREAM TEAM.............but together with our horse family, we call ourselves "Deidre's Dream Team"...............and boy is there a lot of meaning and stories behind those words!

I have learned by watching and listening.  Mak has learned by joining her calling. While the reference to barrels, poles, flags, etc is "games"'s not JUST a game. It's a sport that takes lots and lots of practice, work and dedication, a willingness to respect the back of the horse you mount, time............and time............and time again and a respect for your fellow riders. It involves having a "connection" to your equine......and respect goes both ways.  I've witnessed Peewee saving Mak on several occasions, this horse loves his girl and she loves him back. When you can take a barrel horse out and show him in showmanship and he follows her lead, I just sit there in awe. I'm amazed at this partnership...........and I'm so humbled by a woman's generosity.

Maks wall is lined with ribbons and plaques that she has worked hard to earn this summer.  Each ribbon holds a meaning to her.........I know, I's just a ribbon..........not to Mak, each one has significance.....each one stands for sacrifice...... and we have a future plan for all those ribbons. We laugh now, "one more to add to the future quilt".   But at the end of the day, we all want to be winners, right?  That feeling of accomplishment, there's nothing quite like it............but for each win, there is a loss.........and I've always heard and said, it's not always about the win, it's more about the experience involved.  The same with go out and compete with all these people, but your biggest competition is truly with........ yourSELF.

As Mak entered the arena a few nights ago, I see the focus in her eyes......I sense her she looks my way, I think my heart sank to my knees. She wasn't looking AT me, she was looking THROUGH me in deep focus.   My camera is in video mode and as Peewee got his cue to GO, I failed as a photographer because the Mom in me came out. My head had already rested on the fence as it does each time she enters the arena with a quick prayer for safety for both her and Peewee.  While she came off the poles knocking two and still placing 5th, she was disappointed in herSELF. My heart hurt "for her" but..................I was also stoked, she beat all of her old times on speed. It's all about the experience. I watched her run good all night recently and at the end of the day, her last run, she broke the timer (on poles), at that time, we didn't know this.........Donnie looked over at me and said, "get ready, this girl is well on her way" God I was speechless, he sees more than I know to see....... ....and I then watch a girl in tears, devastated over breaking the point is, it's not all fun and games when your heart is in it............there's lots of frustration and tears...........but at the end of the day when I ask if she's sticking with it, she doesn't hesitate to tell me YES. 

As we convoy to State Fair this week with our equine family, I ask for prayers. Prayers for safe travels, safety of our children and their horses.  While I was reluctant a few weeks ago, I'm super excited now to be part of such a wonderful group of people, and we will do our best to represent our local 4H chapter.  Huge thanks to Deidre for taking time out of her life to be part of this journey with  and for us. To my friend Tina, thanks for getting me "hooked", and to the girls with the "boots", work hard, play hard and just enjoy the experience.

As Tim McGraw would sing.......Always be Humble and Kind..........

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